PHILADELPHIA, PA [via Sapient Razorfish Agency NYC]
Branding, UI Design, Art Direction, Customer Journey
Hands-on UI Designer and Art Director in a fast-paced environment with a strong attention to detail and understanding of dev and html component environment for Comcast Business' Digital Center of Experience [DCoE], a billion dollar communications firm handling the
sales, marketing, and delivery of internet, phone, and other services to businesses.
sales, marketing, and delivery of internet, phone, and other services to businesses.
Digital Transformation
Designed a campaign for Comcast Business Media to promote a digital transformation journey with focused effort to channel companies to participate in a digital survey and download a learning whitepaper, in order to seize opportunities in the digital-first economy.

User Flow

Enterprise Page

Banner on Enterprise Page

DT 2.0 Survey Landing Page - Desktop

DT 2.0 Survey Landing Page - Desktop

DT 2.0 Hero

DT 2.0 Landing Page - Desktop

DT 2.0 Landing Page - Desktop
Cyber Monday
• 14% lift comparing Cyber Monday 2018 vs. 2017 Campaign
• Drove 2,786 calls/day
• +28% vs. average of last 7 months

User Flow

Homepage Hero

Homepage - Desktop

Homepage - Tablet

Homepage - Mobile

Landing Page - Desktop

Landing Page - Open Drawer

Landing Page - Tablet

Landing Page - Mobile

Shop Banner and Featured Offers

PDP Banner on CB Internet Page

User Flow


Returning Customers Funnel

New Customers Funnel

2-step Form for Moving a Business
Account Review

Hero with CTA

4-Up Info and Icons

2-step Form


CB Footer
Property Development

Created marketing campaigns such as banners, heroes, landing pages, and various ECRM materials resulting in increased user engagement for the 2nd half of FY 2018.